Piercing The Darkness (Guardian Series)
Guardian Series
J.W. Baccaro
This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination, or they are used fictitiously and are definitely fictionalized. Any trademarks or pictures herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks or pictures used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form (electronic or print) without permission from the author. Please do not participate in piracy or violating the author’s rights.
Editing By:
Bonnie Lea Elliott
Book & Cover Design By:
Wicked Muse Productions
®Forbidden Realm Publishing
December© 2013, J.W. Baccaro
I would like to dedicate this book to my editor Bonnie Lea Elliott. In this field of publishing, it can prove difficult to find an excellent editor—Mrs. Elliott is such an editor! I am ever grateful for your help with the Guardian Series project. You are a wonderful, fun, and intelligent person. I’m glad to not only call you my editor, but also my friend. Thank you so much, Bonnie!
The Elemental Crystals were originally created to protect the earth. However, Abaddon the Demon Lord plans to use them to transform the earth into a realm of haunting darkness and witchery, forever.
In Prophecy Of The Guardian a young but powerful Nasharin Warrior, Darshun Luthais is drawn to one of these magical crystals of immense power. He learns he’s the fulfillment of the two thousand year old Prophecy of the Guardian. The Wizard Olchemy informs him that he is the protector and guardian the earth has been waiting for.
With Darshun’s ability to sense the Elemental Crystals, Olchemy devises a plan to obtain them. Accompanied by a small group of companions the hunt is on, in hopes to retrieve the long lost crystals before the Demon Lord claims them.
During the journey, Darshun encounters Aurora, the sole survivor of a now extinct people. He falls in love for the first time, and now resents the so-called Guardian of the Prophecy role.
Due to Darshun’s naïve spirit he’s caught off guard by Nayland, a mysterious dark warrior who confronts him about his abandonment of the quest. He reveals that he too, is a Nasharin warrior, though far exceeding Darshun in skill and power. Darshun’s father, Mirabel saves him from death at the hands of Nayland.
Outmatched and in bewilderment from the attack, a fire awakens in Darshun. He plans on reaching his father’s level of power with a journey to Shajin Island, where Nasharin Warriors train. He’ll be gone for only one day in Earth realm time, but due to the magic of the rigorous island, it will be seven long years for him. Entering the mystical realm of Shajin, he eagerly awaits its life threatening challenges.
In Crossing Forbidden Lines, Darshun faces a solemn heartbreaking betrayal by the woman he loves and is left dying from a hideous torture inflicted by the Queen’s guards. He is healed by a female Elf, Kelarin who he calls his angel.
Feeling his power to be tripled, he battles Queen Talvenya’s son and slays him. Thus, earning the Queen’s undying vow of revenge. Afterward, he faces the Demon Lord in a fierce battle which nearly kills him once again. After a mysterious Elder nurses him back to health, he returns to his father, Mirabel to help defeat the massive army of the Demon Lord.
When the Wizard Olchemy re-surfaces alive and brings his powerful red dragon, along with Darshun’s new Elfin family— they all prepare for a fierce battle in The Coming Of The Light.
The group defeats the Dark King’s Army and Darshun finally faces Queen Talvenya in a final battle.
In Sons Of Fire, the sides of Dark and Light take their places for the Day of Darkness. Minevara, Darshun's sister faces the Vampire Queen, and must save Nayland's life by battling him to the death. Kelarin, Darshun's love is kidnapped to be the Demon Lord's blood sacrifice.
After being bested by The Guardian, Darshun…Queen Talvenya comes to join the Light as King Loreus discovers he may be the ‘One’ chosen to carry the Sword of Purity. In Piercing The Darkness .This sword has been foretold to have the power to unite all the races of the Earth Realm. Kaylis joins them both for a journey to the dreaded Centaur kingdom. Darshun gathers many for the upcoming battles they all will have to face.
Darshun, the other Nasharins, the High Wizard Olchemy and the Centaur Favonius had been traveling through the Demon Stone Mountains for three days, led by the Dwarvish Captain Baruch. While there weren’t many twists and turns, or slippery slopes like in the Northern Mountains, there were a dozen or so offshoots into other corridors. Baruch stayed on the same path they'd originally begun.
Darshun wondered what might lie down those long dark passageways. Perhaps old abandon caverns where the demonic held council, or maybe leftover elements like the explosive Sythra, embedded within the rock walls? Whatever it was, there would be no point in finding out.
Dark and lonely the journey had been, with little to no conversation; they were putting nearly every ounce of energy into getting out of the accursed caves, especially being at the mercy of them, having their powers taken away. Fortunately, there hadn't been any disturbances or enemies. They were almost to their destination. As one of Baruch’s torches began to burn out up ahead, a dim yellow glow could be seen.
“Is that—sunlight?” Darshun asked, his anticipation growing.
“Aye,” Baruch answered, his burly voice bouncing off the walls. “It shines through an opening from the top of the mountain, one of the places where that Melgothris returns. At the end of this path, there will be a stone bridge that stretches over the Lake of Fire. After the bridge is a rocky trail, leading up another tunnel to take us out of the mountain."
"I never thought to hear such words again," Favonius said.
Baruch glanced to him, casting a smirk. "A little cabin fever have you?"
"I just long to see the sky."
"He speaks for all of us," Minevara commented. “Enough of this underground.”
Baruch rolled his eyes. Up Landers. "All right, listen closely, now is the time where we must be extremely cautious because there's no telling whether that ‘demon-for-a-dragon’ is here."
Melgothris, Darshun thought. For something in his belly longed to witness this Demonic Dragon after all, one that is known to be the most feared and dangerous Dragon ever to set foot on earth. But he would not wander from the group, nor give into his desires, not this time. He’d done that enough in the past, each time nearly getting killed.
They approached the bridge and it seemed to stretch a thousand feet across. When looking down, they could only see a thick gray mist, but the surrounding areas of the bridge, from the long gaps to the spherical rocky walls, were empty, hollow and evenly spaced.
“Wow! It’s as if someone cut an enormous circular hole through this mountain from top to bottom,” Darshun exclaimed.
“That’s exactly what the five Demons did,” Baruch whispered, “back in the days of the First Great War, for the purpose of the abomination they had created, Melgothris.”
“What energy it must have took!”
Many looked upon Darshun, seeing the excitement in his eyes, and his hands a bit shaky.
“Darshun…focus,” Mirabel urged.
He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. “Right.”
“Come, we must move quickly,” Baruch ordered.
They began crossing the bridge. Not a sound could be heard, except the hollowing of a cold strong wind blowing down from atop. From time to time, Darshun would gaze below at the gray mist and catch a glimpse or two of what looked like fire. For a moment, the dancing flames would illuminate the darkness, then disappear in another thick gray haze. This must be a strange effect from the strange Lake of Fire King Sirach talked about, where the souls of mighty warriors linger within the flames, forever trapped. All of them riving in agony, giving Melgothris life—the cruelty of Black Magic!
Finally, they were across and there lay the rocky trail Baruch spoke about.
"Only one more tunnel up!" Darshun cheered, so excited at seeing daylight that he had goose bumps.
"Race you to the top!" Minevara challenged.
"You two, enough…This is no place for games!" Baruch scolded. "It is a dangerous climb and you would do well not to slide back and knock us all off the bridge."
"All right…All right." Minevara sighed, sticking out her tongue behind his little back.
Mirabel shook his head
Indeed, Baruch had spoken correctly, the path consisted of loose rock and flaky shale, not to mention steep; cautiously they took little steps. When about halfway up, Favonius just happened to step on the most brittle piece of shale, causing a large section to crack and come apart; he began to fall.
Darshun, who’d been climbing ahead of him, quickly turned around and grabbed his arms. “I got you!” he shouted, steadying Favonius onto a more solid part of the trail. Unexpectedly, the excessive weight caused his feet to slide out from under him and he tumbled down the path, crashing onto the bridge and rolling off the side. He caught himself in the nick of time, gripping a few jagged edges. However, the edges were almost entirely coated with ice. He was losing grip fast.
The others rushed down to help, sliding on a layer of crumbling rock.
"Hold on!" Mirabel shouted. He reached for his hand but a second too late—Darshun slipped off and descended into the darkness.
“Darshun!” Favonius shouted, staring down into the black void.
One by one, they fell to their knees in shock, for this was it. The Guardian had fallen into shadow, into the Lake of Fire.
“Why didn’t—he just let me fall?” Favonius muttered, his voice cracking with sorrow.
Nobody could seem to speak. Nobody could breathe. Despair set in for all except one…Mirabel! “If he lands into the water he will survive the fall,” Mirabel suggested.
"It is a long drop," Baruch answered. "You have to think about that."
Mirabel looked over at him, witnessing the defeat in Baruch's eyes, along with everyone else's, especially Minevara's…her tears beginning to fall. "His body can take it. He’s Nasharin. Have more faith in our Guardian."
"A Nasharin without power," Minevara added. "You forget where we are? As long as we're in this blasted mountain—power means nothing. The elements have taken it away."
"Dear sister of Darshun, have you've forgotten how we train our bodies? Adapt to our surroundings? He is alive. Baruch, is there another way out down there?”
He didn't answer, still in shock from the death—as he believed of the Guardian.
“—Yes. North of the lake, exist tunnels the Goblins built. Upon exiting the lake, you can see a host of them to the right, but one single solitary tunnel on the left, if it's still there. That is the only passage leading out of the mountain."
“Thank you. I am going after him.”
“Mirabel?” Minevara gasped, clenching onto his sleeve.
“There's no other option."
"Then, we are going with you."
"No, if Melgothris is down there we'd only have more chances of awakening him. I will go alone. You five get out of the mountain right away."
She sighed, staring at him a moment, and then gave him a quick hug. "You brought Windtros up, you know him best. Go on and save him, Mirabel the Great."
The others looked at him as if it would be the last time.
Mirabel laughed. "Talk about doom and gloom. Ha, don’t worry my friends, one way or another we’ll meet again." He took a deep breath, preparing to leap off when Magnus grabbed his shoulder. Quickly Mirabel turned around.
"Abidan be with you, old friend, and—my dear brother."
Mirabel smiled. "He is, always has been. Look for us on the other side." With a powerful thrust, he jumped into the air, his cloak rippling in a breeze; he straightened his body like a pin, glanced once more at his friends, and dropped into darkness.
Olchemy walked over to the edge. "Farewell," he whispered, staring at the mist. "Until we meet again."
Down he plunged into the lake, sinking deep within the cold water. Once resurfaced, he found himself around patches of fire spread out across the lake, burning on top of the water. Within those fires were Humans, Elves, Dwarves, even Wizards, still in bodily form, with facial expressions of fear and dread. The flames didn’t consume them. They were as if frozen in time and he remembered what King Sirach had said about the five Demons, who long ago placed these poor souls within these dark magic fires to drain their life force that gave birth to Melgothris. They were mysterious, eerie and he tried not to look upon them.
Remaining calm, he shifted his eyes around searching for Darshun. At first, there was no sign of him, until his gaze caught a rocky embankment with Darshun resting on its edge. “My son!” He swam over and climbed onto the embankment.
It was Darshun all right. His body looked stiff and he lay unconscious, but he seemed to be breathing. “Darshun! Darshun!” he yelled, tugging at his arm.
Slowly, he opened his eyes. “Father?”
"It is I my son. Quick, you must get up before you freeze to death. These cloaks are of little use here."
“Did you fall too?”
No need to ask why, Darshun already knew. He sat up, moving his arms, and then his legs, getting his body to thaw out. "Heh, now we're both stuck down here. Too bad we couldn't make a fire, maybe roast a pot of coffee—eggs and toast would be nice too."
Mirabel smiled. Even this dire a moment Darshun was thinking of the simple things in life he cherished. "Not necessarily are we stuck. Baruch told me the Goblins built tunnels down here north of this lake, leading out of the mountain. That is where we must go. Hopefully, this embankment runs all the way to it. Now come, we must hurry."
"How long do you think the cloaks are going to last? I mean, they still are producing heat but I can tell they are weakening."
"I don't know. Let's not think about that now. Our energy must be spent on getting out of here."
They ventured along the embankment. The fires atop of the lake gave them much light to see.
Darshun couldn’t help but to stare at the souls within the flames and cringe. “This place—it is so evil, depressing,” Darshun said.
“Try not to stare at the fires,” Mirabel advised.
Soon, the embankment came to an end, however the lake continued to stretch.
“We are going to have to swim,” Mirabel prompted. "I cannot image it being much farther. Will you be all right?”
“Yes. I don’t plan on dying in this accursed mountain, father.”
“Then let us go—”
“Wait, didn’t King Sirach say the five demons that created this place were bound within this lake?”
“He did.”
“In that case, can they harm us if we to enter the water?”
Mirabel hesitated to answer. “—I don’t know. We haven't a choice in the matter.”
They both gazed at the lake, wondering if death awaited in the deep. Was it really possible to be attacked by bound spirits under the water? Whether it was or not, Mirabel had spoken tr
uly, they hadn’t a choice in the matter. Entering the water was the only way out!
"We best be on the move," Mirabel said. "Stay close."
So as not to make a sound, they crept into the cold water silently, getting onto their bottoms, setting their legs in and slowly dipping their bodies. The sensation felt strange, cold, but not cold enough for death to strike, thanks to the cloaks. They swam by or maneuvered around many fires, never looking at the poor souls within. All the while, they could feel a terrible darkness watching them from the depths of the lake, a type of sickly energy pricking at their spirits. It followed wherever they moved, constantly on them.
Out of curiosity, Darshun dunked his head underwater and opened his eyes. Far below, in the depths of darkness he caught a glimpse of five sets of shinning red eyes glaring at him, piercing his soul—they disappeared. He lifted his head to the surface, swallowing some water, gasping.
Mirabel grabbed his arm. “Are you all right?”
“Yes yes, let’s keep moving.”
They swam a little longer, making way around a wide bend, and just when they felt their bodies couldn’t handle any more of the wet cold, and that their cloaks were about to crumble apart they reached shore and were finally across the lake. When they stepped out of the water, the cloaks seemed to dry fast, the liquid quickly dripping off. Everything around looked to be lit up, not from the fires upon the lake, but from the sun. For at the top of the mountain directly above was another large spherical opening, the Dragon's other passage. The clear sight of the light made both of them feel ecstatic.
"I can't wait to be out of a here!" Darshun said, placing an arm around his father.
"The mines." Mirabel pointed to their right where numerous tunnels dwelled. Then he pointed left where only one was visible. "And that is the exit to the outside!"